Immerse yourself in a one-of-a kind immersive theatre training program.


The Artistic Accomplice apprenticeship is a paid opportunity to gain hands-on experience as a collaborator on two major professional immersive projects. Accomplices work with our artistic and technical team to create the worlds of our productions, often serving as audience guides.

The apprenticeship also features one-on-one mentorship, workshops with veteran artists and access to desk space at OtM’s open concept office and studio. Over three dozen artists have graduated from the program over the past five years, working on productions like Dr. Silver, Jerusalem, TomorrowLove and Mr. Burns.


2019 – The Tape Escape / The Flick
Luke Avoledo
William Dao
Annie Luján
Abigail McEachran
Evgenia Mikhaylova
Merlin Simard

2018 – Dr. Silver
Dave Autar
Mia Johnson
Zahra Khan
Abi Lee
Liam Lockhart-Rush
Kavon Manning
Ale Nunez
James Parchment
Dante Prince
Jill Wood
Emmett Young

2018 – Jerusalem
Nevada Banks
Carly Fawcett
Nicholas LePage
Lucy Meanwell
Rais Clark-Mendes
Calvin Peterson

2016 – TomorrowLove
Violette Daveau
Sascha Houpt
Ben Jeffries
Emily Lindgreen
Cankurt Perek

2015 – Mr. Burns
Shakura Dickson
Ross Robertson
Colin Simmons
Elizabeth Stuart-Morris
Amaka Umeh

2014 – Vitals
Nicole Buscema
Zoe Danahy
Dana Deoraj
Ximena Huizi
Hannah Kaya
Dayna Miller
Rashida Shaw
Vanessa Spence
Jean Webb

2013 – Passion Play
Bilal Baig
Howard Davis
Kathryn Davis
Kasey Dunn
Aviva Philip-Muller
Cheyenne Scott
Harsharan Sidhu
Jesse Watts