You became a part of this immersive production the second you signed up for your first wireless plan.
Part digital exorcism, part cellphone celebration, That Syncing Feeling coaxes you along a philosophical tightrope between the benefits of living in the global village, and the pitfalls of never being able to be truly alone. The show is divided into two segments: Tethered Together, a 30-minute cellphone experiment in digital intimacy conceived by Outside the March, and I Wish I Was Lonely, a 60-minute game of technological truth or dare by UK duo Hannah Walker and Chris Thorpe. In both segments, audiences will immersive themselves within the show by texting, tweeting, and making phone calls. That Syncing Feeling will leave audiences’ brains buzzing louder than their cellphones.
- August 6th – 16th, 2015
HackerYou, SummerWorks Festival